Man of God

Sobulon Limma


"Be strong and of good courage,
fear not, nor be afraid of them:
for the LORD your God,
HE it is that does go with you;
HE will not fail you,
nor forsake you."
-Deuteronomy 31:6

Leaving a government job in the health sector, leaving a native place in Andhra Pradesh, and choosing to learn dependence on God was a leap of faith in obeying the call to the mission in the western part of Orissa state. He completed a four-year theological study and joined his wife, Bijilimathi, to venture into a cross-cultural mission in the early 1970s. The family, with their two sons, Samarpanam and Anargalam, chose to station at Talpatratikira village in the Bargarh district in Orissa state. The rural habitations had no electricity, no running water, no school, no house of their own, no church, and the only connectivity to the villages was through rough, muddy roads.

He visited house to house on foot. In a few months, he purchased a secondhand bicycle to reach neighboring villages to present God's love through Gospel songs and music and to share His living Word, the Holy Bible. People gradually sought to gather for weekly worship services. He began serving among the underprivileged and marginalized communities of western Orissa. He tried to cultivate a life of living by faith. It was his habit to read the Bible daily. He maintained a consistent prayer life and trusted God to use him as His instrument. He began to experience His presence, provision, protection, and direction as he looked up to the Lord for the opportunities and needs to meet each day. He passionately sowed the seeds of the gospel and did the follow-up in heeding his call to nurture and bring about growth among the believers. A straw cattle shed became a place for worship in 1971. God, through His people, provided for the land, and a church with a tiled roof exists there. Passionate people in His mission from far and near join in serving unto the glory of the Lord.

The year 1977 marked the expansion of services for leprosy patients who suffered as unwanted, uncared for, and unloved in the communities. Leprosy sufferers received every available support to inspire them to continue living despite suffering setbacks in their lives. Homes of hope and daycare centers began to address the needs of children through education and empowerment. Schools are open to instilling reading, writing, and speaking skills as well as raising community awareness. Church In Talpatratikira became a registered entity with the state and federal governments. For over twenty-two years, he toiled in practical service among the people in the region. And in June 1992, Rev. Sobulon Limma went to be with the Lord. The mission services continue to have a profound impact in the lives of people from all walks of life, both within and abroad. Consider setting aside a few days to come and experience life in the mission field. Almighty God is gracious to use ordinary people like you for His extraordinary purpose of being His voice, His hope, and His blessings in Christ's name, Amen.