Humans are vulnerable and are susceptible to sickness, disease, accidents, etc. The frailty of life and the need for hospital care are unavoidable. Illness softens human hearts, and it is essential to visit the sick. Prayerful support to regain strength and hope in periods of uncertainty is crucial. The Bible has the Good News for every human life situation one faces. Humans with a body, soul, and spirit need healing physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Jesus is the master healer and miracle worker who goes to people when they are sick.

While respecting the hospital visitation policy, we take protective measures when visiting patients. We comply with their safety protocols and rules of conduct. We go on short visits to support them through prayers and presence in their recovery. One of the greatest privileges and blessings is the opportunity to visit the sick. Hospital rooms are not places of admiration. It is to go to the weak by their bedside to instill divine hope and assurance. There is no room for boasting in sitting by their side. They are fearful of the outcome of their sickness. There is no place for self-promotion, hidden from the public's sight in the sick room. We utterly depend upon the Lord to heal and bring comfort to those who are experiencing the misery of life. It is also a time to acknowledge and intercede for the blessings of the hospital staff for their services.

Jesus heals a man at Bethesda (John 5:1-16).

Church elders are called to pray for the sick (James 5:14).