Prison is a place of isolation and confinement. Prisoners and their families go through immense emotional and mental strain. Prisons comprise of offenders, and those imprisoned on suspicion. Cases prolong to years without granting the freedom to prisoners; some become bitter while others learn to adapt to the challenge. The population in prison grows and their families with children suffer as the bread earner is confined away from home. The prisoners families need prayers and support as they go through the crisis to overcome in due time.

  • The inmates are human beings needing care and concern. Serving as a team in prison ministry is ideal. Working together and praying with a common spirit and mind brings amazing results.
  • It is important to show love and respect for all inmates, including those who want nothing to do with "religion" and those who do not show acceptance.
  • God helps to make a real difference in the lives of prison inmates, their families and the prison officials when prayers serve as the backup in the prison service.
  • Church members be involved in spiritual ministry in prison which enables them to learn patience in listening, forgiving the unforgivable and accepting as they are.

The words of justice, and judgement are found in the Bible. When the authority of God are whispered to the hearts of those in troubles; rays of hope begin to shine down as the clouds of thick darkness fades away. Genuine realization, repentance and restoration could be possible in presenting the transformational power of the Gospel consistently. And showers of blessings are evident upon those involved with prison ministry.

Joseph was falsely put in prison and the Lord was with him and used him- Genesis 39.

Peter was in prison but the church interceded and an angel delivered him- Acts 12:5-12.

Paul was in prison but he lives on through the letters preserved in the Bible.