Women in general are in the backseat. They are undermined, discriminated and mistreated. However, most would agree that they are an invisible backbone to their families, business and churches too. They have the talents and skills. They are the symbols of hospitality, kindness, love, and service for which they require acknowledgment to harness their resources to their full potential. They can become a powerful influence on their families, friends, and communities for the Lord. Bible esteems them with value and status. Their life stories of triumphs and struggles in balancing work, family, self-care, and faith could motivate and inspire fellow women.

The conditions of women in rural Orissa are vulnerable. They need collective wisdom and counsel in their mutual support in enhancing their gifts and talents. They require opportunities to grow and strengthen each other with their potential. It is essential to develop unity among them. Cultivate sisterhood across cultures and castes. Approximately 185 women stand out in the Bible which has influenced their times. In Titus 2 older women are admonished to understand, reach and teach the younger women. Such initiatives bring them together in seeing His kingdom come into the lives of people.